The Salon of the New Trend of Building

Palace of exhibitions, les Pins Maritimes, Algiers - Algeria
From 21th to 25th November 2013
 Friday, 20 September 2024 French English
      Useful Information
       Place of the event
       Exhibition horary
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What is the price of entrance ?

Registration in the Exhibition : 200 DA by visitor
The registration gives the right to :
Access to the «International Exhibition of glass and Aluminium», an exhibitors Catalog and the SIVA Leaflet as well as a badge visitor.

How to register ?

You can register on line or in the place of the Exhibition.
Procedure of on-line registration, register on-line, by clicking HERE

Procedure of registration in the place of the Exhibition

The information will be available by the end of August , 2010.

Am I going to receive my badge before the Exhibition ?

From October 01st, all the visitors will have their badges by calling up in 00 213 550 01 82 97.

May I cancel my registration ?

Yes you can cancel your registration at the latest on September 1st, 2010.

Can I come with my children ?

You cannot come with your children
Persons less than 18 years old will not be admitted on the exhibition.

What are the weather conditions in Algeria in November ?

Discover the weather report of moment, by clicking HERE.

How may I obtain a visa ?

If you are foreign, not resident national, you need an entrance visa for Algeria. Download the Form (VISA), by clicking the flag representing your country of residence.

It is not possible for us to supply with an invitation.

Do I need a passport ?

If you are foreign, not resident national, you need a Passport to enter Algeria, For more information, please contact the closest Algerian consulate of your place of residence.


SIVA 2010 Tous droits réservés